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Web design

A tailor-made site by a team of experts

Dynamic and impactful design

At a glance, show the visitor who you are and what you do. An impact design that astonishes, soothes or seduces will set the tone for the entire user experience.

Search engine positioning

An up-to-date and optimized website makes it possible to be on the first pages of search engines. We put in place a natural referencing strategy to be found by your target audience.

Conversion Optimization (CRO)

Through different series of A/B tests and by studying the user journey, we continuously optimize your website and landing pages: design, texts, images, functionalities, calls to action, etc.

Features created according to your needs

Thanks to our in-house web strategy and development team, we offer and create tailor-made features to optimize your business organization and your growth.

A site that reflects your image and delivers results

Your website is one of the first points of contact your prospects have with your brand universe.

Be easily recognizable and accessible with easy-to-use web tools tailored to your specific business needs.

Design and functionality come together to put your customers just a click away.

  • User experience (UI/UX)

    • UI design (user interface): design of wireframes and graphic mockups of your interface,
    • UX design (user experience): optimization of the user experience,
    • Intuitive, logical and simple website navigation,
    • Website with high-quality and varied content (text, image, video),
    • Modern, up-to-date web design,
    • Animations, special effects and interactivity,
    • Conversion incentive on your website.
  • Copywriting

    • From writing an optimal H1 for search engines, to impactful blog posts,
    • Analysis of the keywords used by your customers and your competitors,
    • Creating a language universe and developing a lexical field specific to your brand,
    • Definition of a consistent tone employed by your brand and your targets, and standardization of texts,
    • Translation of the tone and the language universes to adapt to other languages.
  • Responsive web design

    • Offer an experience according to your users’ habits: for example, mobile-first,
    • Adaptation of the presentation of your website pages on each of the most used media: mobile, computer and tablet,
    • Website design with navigation menu adapted to the size of each screen,
    • A web design with easy navigation on mobile devices (without having to zoom in): layout of elements, size of texts and buttons, etc.
  • E-commerce

    • Website design with e-commerce system,
    • Selling products and services (physical or virtual) on your website,
    • Website design with additional modules: inventory management, online booking, etc.,
    • Optimization of the purchasing funnel to increase sales on your website,
    • Implementation and automation of your e-commerce in your current system.
  • Self-management system

    • Installation and configuration of a content management system,
    • Website design with add-ons,
    • Website design with user-friendly platform,
    • Possibility of different types of roles (administrator, editor, analyst, shop manager),
    • Training on the use of the platform and the different modules.
  • Web development

    • Pixel-precise web design integration,
    • Effective web programming and coding,
    • Use of the latest technologies,
    • Version control software implementation (GIT, SVN…),
    • Development of custom modules according to your needs,
    • Creation of a platform for continuous testing and quality assurance (staging version),
    • Creation and integration of tracking pixels.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)

    • Audit of your site’s structure (H1, title tag, meta-description, etc.),
    • Research keywords with the highest number of requests and the least competitive in your sector of activity,
    • Position yourself at the top of search engines on competitive keywords thanks to web writing,
    • Content strategy and editorial calendar creation for your blog or vlog.
  • Web hosting

    • Simple solutions tailored to your needs,
    • Web hosting on reliable and secure servers,
    • Dedicated hosting plan with guaranteed resources (CPU, memory, etc.).

Our successes

The proof of your expertise in figures

01 / 04

  • +5.5M of unique visitors for illumi

  • 5 websites created for La tête chercheuse

  • +36% increase in conversions for Piri Piri

  • +6M $ of online sales for Méga Vente

You’ve got questions? Answers right here!

  • Redbox digital marketers use various key performance indicators (also known as key performance indicators or KPIs) obtained through Google Analytics.

    This data is compiled and analyzed on a regular basis, to adjust marketing strategies in real time.

    The main indicators that apply to your website are:

    • number of sales made through your website,
    • the number of registrations on your website (lead acquisition),
    • the bounce rate (the number of people who continue to browse your site, compared to those who leave immediately),
    • the number of unique visitors (that is to say, the number of people who visit your site for the first time),
    • browsing time on your website.
  • There are several web functions we can automate to save you valuable management time:

    • Using a landing page designed to effectively convert your leads into customers,
    • Managing your e-commerce inventory,
    • Etc.