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HR marketing

Attract qualified candidates and offer the best to your employees

From your employer brand to the development of an intranet, your HR strategy deserves your full attention.

We support you in all stages of the construction of your teams, from the recruitment of your employees to their daily professional development.

Redbox’s HR marketing service is:

  • The definition of your employer brand,
  • Recruitment through digital marketing techniques,
  • The organization of your open days,
  • The qualification of your candidates,,
  • The development of an onboarding program,
  • The coordination of your internal events,
  • The creation and implementation of work tools, such as your intranet.

Redesign of the career section of the company website

Get a makeover and display a career page that attracts the best talent in your industry.

Creation of video capsules promoting the company

Stand out from the crowd with your prospects with a video capsule presenting all the advantages of joining your team.

Redesign of the hiring process and onboarding of candidates

Gain efficiency with an in-depth review of your hiring process and better prepare for the arrival of new talent.

Creation and distribution of a viral competition attracting candidates

Build your database of qualified candidates through a targeted competition.

Creation and management of an open house event

Make yourself known to your prospects by welcoming them to your facilities.

Creation and management of team building activities

Gather your teams around fun activities and strengthen the bonds between your employees.

We support companies of all sizes in their recruitment success.

Partner of your growth

01 / 04

  • +27k views of the careers section of Illumi in 7 days

  • +36k LinkedIn Personalized InMails for La tête chercheuse

  • 15 new hires following our campaign for Manulift

  • +600 applications received at Bricon

You’ve got questions? Answers right here!

  • Use digital marketing techniques to recruit missing profiles in your teams.

    Advertising on social networks, newsletters, viral contests: we use our creativity to respond to your recruitment issues.

  • To ensure the success and growth of your business, attracting and retaining qualified talent is essential, as are the products and services you offer. Like any investment, it is important to know if your efforts are paying off.

    In digital HR marketing, we analyze:

    • the number of views of published ads,
    • the number of clicks on the ads,
    • the conversion rate of ads: views / applications / recruitment.
  • Among the performance indicators in HR marketing, we have:

    • the quality of the profile of prospects and recruited talents,
    • the number of positions available at a given time and the number of positions filled,
    • the average recruitment time for a position,
    • recruitment cost,
    • the number of quality profiles in the company’s database,
    • staff turnover rate.

    Given the agility of digital processes, it is easy to target very specific profiles and adapt our actions in real time. We then obtain high quality profiles, a reduced recruitment time and a lower recruitment cost than with traditional methods.