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Questions to ask yourself before launching in web marketing

Before taking the plunge into the digital world, it’s essential to draw up a digital strategy. If you don’t, you run the risk of being irrelevant and ineffective with your audience. First of all, you need to define yourself, so that you can project a clear image to others and understand the environment in which you operate.


As a web and digital marketing agency,

Redbox can help you and advises you to determine the following criteria now:

  • Your goal : 

What is the value of the Internet for your business?

What’s your budget?

Without defining clear, measurable objectives before starting a digital marketing project, it’s difficult to determine whether your efforts are effective. A well-defined digital strategy should be aligned with specific objectives, such as increasing traffic to your website, improving conversion rates or boosting brand awareness. Without these objectives in mind, your digital marketing strategy is likely to lack direction and consistency, which can lead to mixed results.

  • Your positioning : : 

What image do you want to project? What image do you really project? You need a clear message to express your positioning and uniqueness, to set yourself apart from your competitors and make it easier for them to identify you. Create your own graphic and editorial identity.

Ignoring competitive analysis in your digital strategy can be a costly mistake. Understanding what your competitors are doing in digital marketing can give you valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t in your sector. Without this understanding, you could miss opportunities for differentiation or underestimate the challenges you may face. A specialized web agency like Redbox Media can help you carry out this in-depth analysis to position you strategically in the marketplace.

  • Your offer : 

What concept do you stand for? What do you want to tell your target audience? What added value do you bring? How does your offer differentiate you from your competitors? What do you expect from your customers?

If you don’t take the time to clarify your value proposition and differentiate yourself from your competitors, your message risks getting lost in the digital noise. Without this in-depth understanding of your offering, your digital marketing strategy may lack coherence and relevance to your audience.


  • Your target audience : 

Who is it? What are their expectations and behaviors? Are your customers and prospects present on the web? If so, why and for what purpose? Analyze what makes your target audience tick, and identify the positive and negative aspects. To do this, consult the groups, associations and forums on which your target surfs. You’ll then be able to plan your actions to avoid any missteps.

Digital marketing relies on a precise understanding of your target audience. If you don’t take the time to clearly define who your potential customers are, what their online preferences and behaviors are, you risk wasting resources by targeting the wrong people or delivering messages that don’t resonate with your audience. Effective web design incorporates this knowledge of your audience to create a relevant and engaging user experience.

In-depth knowledge of your target audience is essential for creating relevant and engaging digital campaigns.

Eliot, strategist at Redbox

  • Your market :

What are the major market trends? What appeals to Internet users?
Who are your competitors? How and why are they present on the web? Identify which platforms they use, and how and with whom they interact. Analyze the content they publish, the frequency with which they publish, and the marketing operations or events they organize.

Ignoring market trends in your digital strategy can leave you lagging behind your competitors and your audience’s expectations. By analyzing key market trends, you can identify what appeals to Internet users, enabling you to adjust your offering and marketing tactics accordingly. Without this in-depth market analysis, you run the risk of missing opportunities or underestimating the challenges you may face, thus jeopardizing the success of your digital marketing project.

A few tips to get you started :

Once you’ve analyzed these components, you’ll already have a clearer idea of the direction to take. Your digital strategy will be derived from these questions, and this will enable you to choose how you want to be present on the Internet.

You’ll need to choose which devices to use according to your target audience, so as to best meet their expectations and be present on the platforms they use most. You don’t need to be everywhere; it’s better to concentrate on just a few and manage them optimally. Whether through a website or social media, remember that these platforms are not an end in themselves, but a means to an end. They must be rich in content, and that same content must remain relevant over time. Social media have been a sensation for some years now, but they are not the solution to everything, but rather a new lever to be used wisely.

Your digital strategy will flow from your analyses, and it’s better to focus on a few key platforms than to try to be everywhere at once.

In terms of content, you need to establish your editorial line. This will involve the subjects covered, the tone used to address your target audience, the angle from which the subject is viewed, setting a schedule and assigning tasks to each person. A publication needs to be carefully crafted, as it will influence your Internet referencing via keywords adapted to the spirit of your company. Your visibility on search engines will then be optimized. It’s crucial to master your subject: there’s no point trying to talk about everything, or you’ll get lost. Adopt a clear, consistent approach. The Internet is a cold medium, so it’s important to be effective in your discourse and to add a touch of emotion.

You may need to introduce new tools or optimize those already in use; the key is to adapt your company’s organization accordingly. However, bear in mind that the digital world is constantly evolving, and you need to stay on your toes at all times to avoid being left behind. It’s best to set up different types of monitoring (competitive, commercial, technological, etc.) to adapt to and anticipate changes.

And don’t forget to federate your team within the company around a common project, so that everyone is moving in the same direction and feels involved in your actions.

Need a tailor-made web marketing strategy?

Our experts are on hand to apply their expertise to develop the best strategy for your needs.